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ZBL-08 HJ-73C
Vehicle Info
 Operators  People’s Liberation Army
 Maps Available  N/A

The ZBL08 IFV is an infantry fighting vehicle featured in Squad. Introduced in the version 4.0 as part of the Red Star Rising update for the People’s Liberation Army.

Vehicle Infopage[]

ZBL08 Infocard
ZBL08 HJ73C Infocard

General information[]

Part of the ZBL08 (Type 08) wheeled armored vehicle family, ZBL-08 is the primary variant and the principal wheeled IFV system for the People’s Liberation Army mechanized infantry brigades.



Vehicle Name Class Ticket Cost Available Faction
ZBL-08 Infantry Fighting Vehicle 10 Flag of PLA
Crew Passenger Ammo point Construction point
2 8 600 0
Respawn Timer Max. Speed Rev. Speed Health
10 mins 70 km/h 10 km/h 1250



Weapon Model Caliber Basic Load Rounds
Main Armament ZPT99A 30 mm DTC041A-30 Armor-Piercing Sabot 160
DTB02-30 High Explosive Fragmentation 300
Missile Rail 125 mm HJ-73C Anti-Tank Guided Missile 2
Secondary Armament QJT02 5.8 mm ?
Countermeasure Smoke Launcher 40 mm 2


Faction Name Main Armament Available Layer Notes
Flag of PLA People’s Liberation Army ZBL-08 ZPT99A 30mm Autocannon
ZBL-08 HJ-73C ZPT99A 30mm Autocannon
HJ-73C Anti-Tank Guided Missile


  • The ZBL08 has a comparably lower turret rotation speed than BlueFor IFVs.
  • The ZBL08 is amphibious, though the speed is not remarkable.
  • The commander gets access to a rangefinder with zoom.

Gunner view[]

The Gunner HUD is the same as the ZBD05, so head to ZBD05#Gunner view instead. (As of version 8.2, the Chinese-character lights on top don't appear to be working.)



  • Ingame, neither the map vehicles list nor the TEAMS / GAME MODE INFO list differentiate between ZBL-08 and ZBL-08 HJ-73C. Both are solely named "ZBL-08".

External links[]

See Also[]
