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Squad Wiki

Weapons in Squad are fundamental equipment of each kit.


Weapons are essential parts of a player's gameplay. Weapon information, such as its name, fire mode, and remaining ammo, can be checked through your Head-up display (HUD). To handle your weapons, you need to use LMB Left Mouse Button for fire, and RMB to aim down sight. More information about general combat gameplay can be viewed on the Wiki Tutorial pages and Getting Started as Grunt guidebook.

Weapon Archetypes[]

Weapons are categorized by their archetypes.


Icon Inventory category rifle Short Rifles and Carbines
Short rifles and carbines serve as a baseline for weapon behavior and performance. They offer the least suppression but are versatile, easy to point fire with, and effective at all ranges. Prioritizing snappy handling over recoil control and range, several riflemen equipped with these weapons can deal enough suppression to keep an enemy squad pinned down. However, with limited ammo capacity, rifles cannot sustain fire as long without resupply compared to weapons designed to output suppressive fire.
Icon Inventory category rifle Full-length Rifles
These rifles have better-stopping power at range, with less recoil and sway when firing from supported positions (crouch and prone), and more recoil and sway when unsupported (standing). You’ll find more inertia when looking around and point-firing with these weapons making them less ideal in CQB. With this in mind, these guns lend well to holding angles and having a “stop and pop” mentality.
Icon Inventory category rifle Bullpups
Bullpups boast excellent CQB handling and maintain stopping power at range, though less than full-length rifles. These firearms suffer slightly increased muzzle climb due to a focused center of gravity directed toward the rifle’s rear.
Icon Inventory category rifle Battle Rifles
With more stopping power comes greater recoil. Battle rifles will deal high suppression, and the ability to penetrate through thicker walls. These heavier rifles also mean that target acquisition will be more challenging, especially when in an unsupported stance (standing). Masters of these weapons will move more deliberately and take a supported position before firing, as with a lower ammo capacity, every bullet matters.
Icon Inventory category machinegun Automatic Rifles
Automatic rifles provide a good mix of suppression and maintaining versatility in combat. The rounds from these rifles do more suppression than a standard rifle. However, your rounds will lack stopping power, range, and penetration compared to dedicated machine guns. Automatic rifles tend to have a bipod. The increased weapon sway in Squad v7 makes the bipod a lot more useful, so make good use of it. Medium-ranged shooting is possible with a scope.
Icon Inventory category machinegun Light Machine Guns, "Light Support Weapon"
A hybrid between automatic rifles and medium machine guns. These belt-fed weapons are perfect for long bursts to suppress a larger area. For more accurate fire, ensure you use it in short bursts. Reloading take a long time with this weapon, being patient with reloads is important. What it lacks in penetration and suppression compared to medium machine guns, LMGs make up for this by being relatively more usable in CQB, though mind the sway and recoil, as it’s still a machine gun. Utilizing the bipod is recommended due to this.
Icon Inventory category machinegun Medium Machine Guns, "General Purpose Machine Gun"
Precision firing at longer ranges is much more difficult for medium machine guns. These weapons excel in area suppression and can more easily penetrate thick walls. Ensure you’re locked in using a bipod or prone, as recoil will not be easy to handle. As a noticeable, loud stationary target, ensure a Squaddie is nearby to watch your flanks and cover you during your long reloads.
Icon Inventory category machinegun Heavy Machine Guns
The heavy machine gun will shred through buildings and light armored vehicles while dealing high suppression from long distances. It is more accurate than medium machine guns but suffers from being more static, more noticeable, and longer reloads than their lighter counterparts. (There's no man-portable HMG; they either come with a vehicle, or gets built as a static HMG Position.)
Icon Inventory category dmr Designated Marksman Rifles
Most marksman rifles will fire full-power cartridges, making them a top-tier choice for accurate fire and suppressing a key enemy shooting position. Work with your team to deter the opponents from peeking corners or taking out entrenched gunners. These weapons struggle in CQB and close range, so it is ideal to stick with your squad.
DMRs do not usually have a fully-automatic option, but semi-auto is more than enough for engagement and suppression at range. Use your bipods.
Icon Inventory category dmr Sniper Rifles, "Bolt-Action Rifle"
Fire powerful projectiles that maintain their stopping power to an extreme range. These weapons suffer from a low rate of fire, and you are virtually defenseless in close quarters. Always have a spotter to confirm your hits and misses and watch your back.
Icon Inventory category pistol Pistols
Your backup if all else fails. The pistol has the lowest stopping power of all firearm archetypes in Squad. You won’t outrange a marksman, but your pistol can mean the difference between life and death in a close-quarter engagement.
Icon Inventory category rifle Submachine Guns
Submachine Guns are small, compact, high-rate-of-fire weapons that shoot pistol-caliber bullets. They excel at close range but are extremely impractical beyond from recoil and sway.
Icon Inventory category shotgun Shotgun

Fire support weapons[]

Icon Inventory category fraggrenadeIcon Inventory category grenadelauncher Grenades and Grenade Launchers
Use grenade launchers to displace, suppress, and destroy enemies behind fortifications, windows, and other cover quickly. Alternatively, use smoke grenades to lay a smokescreen for an advance, mark targets or landing zones, and obscure enemy shooting positions. Use hand grenades to precede an assault or clear a room. Remember, grenades have no allegiance regarding suppression, so keep friendlies in mind.
Icon Inventory category latAnti-Tank Rocket Launcher, "Recoilless rifle"
Use AT launchers to engage light and heavy armored units with your HEAT round, or engage infantry with your fragmentation round. Some of them shoot a rocket-assisted shell, others shoot just a normal shell; people don't tend to differentiate too carefully. These launchers use the "recoilless" principle of operation: a counterweight allows them to shoot a heavy round from a relatively light launcher. The downside is that there is often some dangerous backblast: tell your squadmates to stand clear!
Icon Inventory category rocketAnti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher
Use ATGMs to more confidently engage enemy vehicles at range. There are two kinds: the ones found in emplacements and vehicles are wire or laser-guided, meaning they follow your mouse cursor; the man-portable NLAW and the upcoming FGM-148 Javelin are "fire-and-forget", meaning they set up a guidance program and just follow it.

Weapon Performance[]

Damage Model[]

Weapon Attributes Description
Damage Type Damage Type is a modifier applied to a weapon or projectile to give it a consistent damage profile for vehicles and deployables. For instance a regular Rifle has the damage type Small Arms so therefore cannot hurt an APC, that does not allow Small Arms damage type.
Base Damage Base Damage dictates the highest direct hit damage from the projectile at the closest range.
Minimum Damage Minimum Damage dictates the lowest direct hit damage from the projectile at the longest range.
Range Damage drop-off start and end point
Damage Multiplier (Body Part) Damage modifier when hitting the head (3×), shoulder (0.625×), forearm (0.42×), thigh (0.625×), and calf (0.5×).
Rate of Fire Rounds per minute dictates how fast the weapon fires.

Ballistic Trajectory[]

Projectiles decelerate over distance. In general, weapons have a slightly flatter trajectory ("bullet drop") for the first few hundred meters, but dramatically drop off afterward. The squad ballistics model uses the real-world initial speed, but the lack of air resistance simulation is replaced by loss of the muzzle velocity over time (negative acceleration value). The drop due to gravity is exaggerated to make up for the smaller battlefield (gravity multiplier)

As with real life, inaccuracies in round chambering, gun machining, etc. will cause a random deviation in the bullet's initial direction. The value is described in MOA, or minute of angle (units of 1/60 degrees). Each MOA of spread approximately corresponds to a 1" (2.5 cm) circle at 100 yard (90 m) range.

Example: A soldier's head is about 7" (18 cm) wide. The C14 Timberwolf, which has a 1 MOA spread, can therefore confidently hit a head-sized target out to 700 yards (630 m).


All weapons have a level of penetration, which varies with the caliber of weapons. Small caliber weapons can penetrate think walls and unarmored vehicles, while medium rounds such as 7.62×51mm NATO can even penetrate bulletproof glasses on light armored vehicles. The capability of penetrating armor plates is reserved for the heaviest infantry caliber, such as 12.7×108mm on NSV and 12.7×99mm NATO on M2A1.

The penetration power of the caliber will decrease over distance. For example, 12.7×108mm can penetrate 28 mm, reliably damaging light vehicles, while at 1000 meters, only 6 mm of penetration remains. It's wise not to engage with armored vehicles at long distances.

Deployable structures at Forward Operating Base provide excellent protection against incoming rounds. No kinetic weapons in-game can penetrate the Hesco wall.


If a weapon does not penetrate, it has a chance to ricochet, depending on the angle fired and the angle the shot lands. Ricocheted shots don't deal damage but indicate to the gunner that the projectile did not penetrate the surface or armor. Shots with tracers rounds will also follow this ricochet.


All weapons cause suppression of enemy players, which varies by the weapon archetype (not caliber). Suppression causes various impairments and negative effects to players which are reduced over time. In order to cause suppression a round must travel or impact near a player. Each round adds a certain percentage of suppression based weapon archetype and how close to the player the round was. The supprssion effect was rework with the Infantry Combat Overhaul.

Weapon Variant[]

Most Weapons in-game have variants that differ in their attached accessories, such as aiming devices, foregrip, and tracer rounds, some of which improve weapons' utility and performance.

Weapon variants are connected to the Kit role restrictions, with restricted Kit variants generally having more sophisticated accessories. For example, the M16A4 with M150 long-range scope only becomes available for the United States Marine Corps Rifleman after one's squad has at least three members.

Squad does not allow individual weapon customization.

Weapons List[]

Information Note: a * by a weapon means it is not released yet

All available weapons in-game are listed below; the table is sortable by name, type, faction, and caliber.

Icon Weapon Name Weapon Type Faction Caliber
EF88 Bullpup Flag of Australia ADF 5.56×45mm NATO
EF88C Specter
EF88C Bullpup Flag of Australia ADF 5.56×45mm NATO
F89 eotech
F89 Minimi Light Machine Gun Flag of Australia ADF 5.56×45mm NATO
HK417 Designated Marksman Rifle Flag of Australia ADF 7.62×51mm NATO
Maximi General Purpose Machine Gun Flag of Australia ADF 7.62×51mm NATO
Browning HiPower
Self-Loading Pistol Mk3 Pistol Flag of Australia ADF 9×19mm Parabellum
F1 Fragmentation Grenade Fragmentation Grenade Flag of Australia ADF
M18 smoke
M18 Smoke/Signal Grenade Flag of Australia ADF
EF88 SL40
SL40 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Flag of Australia ADF 40×46mm
M72A7 LAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Australia ADF 66mm
Carl Gustaf Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Australia ADF 84×246mmR
M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of Australia ADF 12.7×99mm NATO
Bgm71 tow projectile
BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher Flag of Australia ADF 152mm
M112 c4explosive
M112 C4 Explosive Demolition Charge Flag of Australia ADF
M15 mine
M15 Anti-Tank Mine Flag of Australia ADF
SOCP Knife
SOCP Knife Combat Knife Flag of Australia ADF
L85a2 acog grip
L85A2 Bullpup GB flag BAF 5.56×45mm NATO
L86a2 susat
L86A2 LSW Designated Marksman Rifle GB flag BAF 5.56×45mm NATO
L22a2 susat
L22A2 Bullpup GB flag BAF 5.56×45mm NATO
L110A2 Minimi Light Machine Gun GB flag BAF 5.56×45mm NATO
L129A1 Designated Marksman Rifle GB flag BAF 7.62×51mm NATO
L7A2 GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun GB flag BAF 7.62×51mm NATO
L131A1 (G17) Pistol GB flag BAF 9×19mm Parabellum
L109A1 Fragmentation Grenade GB flag BAF
L132a1 smoke
L132A1 Smoke/Signal Grenade GB flag BAF
Ag36 gl
L123A2 (AG36) Underbarrel Grenade Launcher GB flag BAF 40×46mm
LASM (M72 LAW) Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher GB flag BAF 66mm
ILAW (AT-4) Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher GB flag BAF 84mm
NLAW Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher GB flag BAF 150mm
Bgm71 tow projectile
BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher GB flag BAF 152mm
M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun GB flag BAF 12.7×99mm NATO
M112 c4explosive
M112 C4 Explosive Demolition Charge GB flag BAF
Sa80 bayonet
SA80 Bayonet Combat Knife GB flag BAF
C7a2 c79a2 foregrip
C7A2 Full-Length Rifle Flag of Canada CAF 5.56×45mm NATO
C8A3 Carbine Flag of Canada CAF 5.56×45mm NATO
C9A2 Light Machine Gun Flag of Canada CAF 5.56×45mm NATO
C6A1 General Purpose Machine Gun Flag of Canada CAF 7.62×51mm NATO
C14 Timberwolf Sniper Rifle Flag of Canada CAF .338 Lapua Magnum
Browning HiPower
Hi-Power Pistol Pistol Flag of Canada CAF 9×19mm Parabellum
M203 gl
M203 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Flag of Canada CAF 40×46mm
C13 Fragmentation Grenade Flag of Canada CAF
M18 smoke
M18 Smoke/Signal Grenade Flag of Canada CAF
M72A7 LAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Canada CAF 66mm
Carl Gustav M2 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Canada CAF 84×246mmR
Bgm71 tow projectile
BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher Flag of Canada CAF 152mm
M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of Canada CAF 12.7×99mm NATO
M112 c4explosive
M112 C4 Explosive Demolition Charge Flag of Canada CAF
M9 bayonet
Bayonet2000 Combat Knife Flag of Canada CAF
M4 Carryhandle
M4 Carbine USArmy Flag USA 5.56×45mm NATO
M4 acog killflash
M4A1 Carbine USArmy Flag USA 5.56×45mm NATO
M249 PIP Light Machine Gun USArmy Flag USA 5.56×45mm NATO
M110 SASS Designated Marksman Rifle USArmy Flag USA 7.62×51mm NATO
M240b m145
M240B General Purpose Machine Gun USArmy Flag USA 7.62×51mm NATO
M1014 Shotgun* Shotgun USArmy Flag USA 12 Gauge
M17 MHS Pistol USArmy Flag USA 9×19mm Parabellum
M203 gl
M203 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher USArmy Flag USA 40×46mm
M67 Fragmentation Grenade USArmy Flag USA
M18 smoke
M18 Smoke/Signal Grenade USArmy Flag USA
M72A7 LAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher USArmy Flag USA 66mm
M136 CS Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher USArmy Flag USA 84mm
Bgm71 tow projectile
BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher USArmy Flag USA 152mm
M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun USArmy Flag USA 12.7×99mm NATO
Carl Gustaf Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher USArmy Flag USA 84×246mmR
M15 mine
M15 Anti-Tank Mine USArmy Flag USA
M112 c4explosive
M112 C4 Explosive Demolition Charge US Army USA
M9 bayonet
M9 Bayonet Combat Knife US Army USA
M16A4 acog foregrip
M16A4 Full-Length Rifle USMCFlag USMC 5.56×45mm NATO
M4 Carryhandle
M4 Carbine USMCFlag USMC 5.56×45mm NATO
M27 iar
M27 IAR Light Support Weapon USMCFlag USMC 5.56×45mm NATO
M38 DMR Designated Marksman Rifle USMCFlag USMC 5.56×45mm NATO
M249 PIP Light Machine Gun USMCFlag USMC 5.56×45mm NATO
M240g mgo
M240G General Purpose Machine Gun USMCFlag USMC 7.62×51mm NATO
M9A1 Pistol USMCFlag USMC 9×19mm Parabellum
M203 gl
M203 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher USMCFlag USMC 40×46mm
M67 Fragmentation Grenade USMCFlag USMC
M18 smoke
M18 Smoke/Signal Grenade USMCFlag USMC
M72A7 LAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher USMCFlag USMC 66mm
M136 CS Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher USMCFlag USMC 84mm
Smaw tandem
MK153 SMAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher USMCFlag USMC 83.5mm
FGM-148 Javelin* Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher USMCFlag USMC 127mm
Bgm71 tow projectile
BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher USMCFlag USMC 152mm
M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun USMCFlag USMC 12.7×99mm NATO
M15 mine
M15 Anti-Tank Mine USMCFlag USMC
M112 c4explosive
M112 C4 Explosive Demolition Charge USMCFlag USMC
OKC-3S Combat Knife USMCFlag USMC
QBZ95-1 Bullpup Flag of PLA PLA 5.8×42mm
QBZ95B-1 Bullpup Flag of PLA PLA 5.8×42mm
Qjb95-1 yma600
QJB95-1 Light Support Weapon Flag of PLA PLA 5.8×42mm
QBU88 Designated Marksman Rifle Flag of PLA PLA 5.8×42mm
QJY88 General Purpose Machine Gun Flag of PLA PLA 5.8×42mm
QSZ92 Pistol Flag of PLA PLA 5.8×21mm
Type 86P Fragmentation Grenade Flag of PLA PLA
M18 smoke
DSF161 Smoke/Signal Grenade Flag of PLA PLA
Qbz95-1 qlg10
QLG10 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Flag of PLA PLA 35mmCL
DZJ08 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of PLA PLA 80mm
Pf98 heat
PF98 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of PLA PLA 120mm
QJZ89 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of PLA PLA 12.7×108mm
QJC88 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of PLA PLA 12.7×108mm
HJ-8 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher Flag of PLA PLA 120mm
Tnt 1lb explosive
TNT Demolition Charge Flag of PLA PLA
M15 mine
Type 72 Anti-Tank Mine Flag of PLA PLA
M9 bayonet
QNL95 Bayonet Combat Knife Flag of PLA PLA
Qbz95-1 yma600
QBZ95-1 Bullpup Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 5.8×42mm
EF88 IronSight Grippod
QBZ95B-1 Bullpup Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 5.8×42mm
Qjb95-1 yma600
QJB95-1 Light Support Weapon Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 5.8×42mm
QBU88 Designated Marksman Rifle Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 5.8×42mm
QJY88 General Purpose Machine Gun Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 5.8×42mm
QSZ92 Pistol Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 5.8×21mm
Type 86P Fragmentation Grenade Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF
M18 smoke
DSF161 Smoke/Signal Grenade Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF
Qbz95-1 qlg10
QLG10 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 35mmCL
DZJ08 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 80mm
Pf98 heat
PF98 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 120mm
QJZ89 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 12.7×108mm
QJC88 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 12.7×108mm
HJ-8 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF 120mm
Tnt 1lb explosive
TNT Demolition Charge Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF
M15 mine
Type 72 Anti-Tank Mine Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF
M9 bayonet
QNL95 Bayonet Combat Knife Flag of PLAAGF PLAAGF
Qbz95-1 yma600
QBZ95-1 Bullpup PLANMC Flag PLANMC 5.8×42mm
EF88 IronSight Grippod
QBZ95B-1 Bullpup PLANMC Flag PLANMC 5.8×42mm
Qjb95-1 yma600
QJB95-1 Light Support Weapon PLANMC Flag PLANMC 5.8×42mm
QBU88 Designated Marksman Rifle PLANMC Flag PLANMC 5.8×42mm
QJY88 General Purpose Machine Gun PLANMC Flag PLANMC 5.8×42mm
QSZ92 Pistol PLANMC Flag PLANMC 5.8×21mm
Type 86P Fragmentation Grenade PLANMC Flag PLANMC
M18 smoke
DSF161 Smoke/Signal Grenade PLANMC Flag PLANMC
Qbz95-1 qlg10
QLG10 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher PLANMC Flag PLANMC 35mmCL
DZJ08 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher PLANMC Flag PLANMC 80mm
Pf98 heat
PF98 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher PLANMC Flag PLANMC 120mm
QJZ89 Heavy Machine Gun PLANMC Flag PLANMC 12.7×108mm
QJC88 Heavy Machine Gun PLANMC Flag PLANMC 12.7×108mm
HJ-8 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher PLANMC Flag PLANMC 120mm
Tnt 1lb explosive
TNT Demolition Charge PLANMC Flag PLANMC
M15 mine
Type 72 Anti-Tank Mine PLANMC Flag PLANMC
M9 bayonet
QNL95 Bayonet Combat Knife PLANMC Flag PLANMC
Icon Ak12
AK-12 Assault Rifle VDV Flag VDV 5.45×39mm
AS-VAL Assault Rifle VDV Flag VDV 9×39mm
RPK-74M Light Machine Gun VDV Flag VDV 5.45×39mm
PKP Pecheneg General Purpose Machine Gun VDV Flag VDV 7.62×54mmR
SV-98M Sniper Rifle VDV Flag VDV 7.62×54mmR
MP-443 Grach Pistol VDV Flag VDV 9×19mm Parabellum
GP-25 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher VDV Flag VDV 40mm Caseless
RGD-5 Fragmentation Grenade VDV Flag VDV
Rdg2 smoke
RDG-2 Smoke/Signal Grenade VDV Flag VDV
Rpg7 icon
RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher VDV Flag VDV 40mm
RPG-7V2 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher VDV Flag VDV 40mm
Kornet projectile
9M133 Kornet Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher VDV Flag VDV 160mm
Nsv icon
NSV Heavy Machine Gun VDV Flag VDV 12.7×108mm
Kord Heavy Machine Gun VDV Flag VDV 12.7×108mm
Sz1 explosive
SZ-1 Explosive Demolition Charge VDV Flag VDV
Tm62 mine
TM62 Anti-Tank Mine VDV Flag VDV
Ak74 bayonet
AK-74 Bayonet Combat Knife VDV Flag VDV
AK-74M Assault Rifle RGF Flag RGF 5.45×39mm
AKS-74U Carbine RGF Flag RGF 5.45×39mm
RPK-74M Light Machine Gun RGF Flag RGF 5.45×39mm
SVDM Designated Marksman Rifle RGF Flag RGF 7.62×54mmR
PKP Pecheneg General Purpose Machine Gun RGF Flag RGF 7.62×54mmR
Nsv icon
NSV Heavy Machine Gun RGF Flag RGF 12.7×108mm
Kord Heavy Machine Gun RGF Flag RGF 12.7×108mm
KS-23* Shotgun RGF Flag RGF 23×75mmR
MP-443 Grach Pistol RGF Flag RGF 9×19mm Parabellum
GP-25 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher RGF Flag RGF 40mm Caseless
RGD-5 Fragmentation Grenade RGF Flag RGF
Rdg2 smoke
RDG-2 Smoke/Signal Grenade RGF Flag RGF
RPG-7V2 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher RGF Flag RGF 40mm
RPG-26 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher RGF Flag RGF 72.5mm
RPG-28 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher RGF Flag RGF 125mm
Kornet projectile
9M133 Kornet Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher RGF Flag RGF 160mm
Sz1 explosive
SZ-1 Explosive Demolition Charge RGF Flag RGF
Tm62 mine
TM62 Anti-Tank Mine RGF Flag RGF
Ak74 bayonet
AK-74 Bayonet Combat Knife RGF Flag RGF
G3a3 zf1
G3A3 Battle Rifle MEA Flag MEA 7.62×51mm NATO
G3a4 zf1
G3A4 Battle Rifle MEA Flag MEA 7.62×51mm NATO
G3ka4 zf1
G3KA4 Battle Rifle MEA Flag MEA 7.62×51mm NATO
HK 51 Battle Rifle MEA Flag MEA 7.62×51mm NATO
MG3 General Purpose Machine Gun MEA Flag MEA 7.62×51mm NATO
G3SG/1 Designated Marksman Rifle MEA Flag MEA 7.62×51mm NATO
Browning HiPower
Browning Hi-Power Pistol MEA Flag MEA 9×19mm Parabellum
M18 smoke
M18 Smoke/Signal Grenade MEA Flag MEA
F1 Fragmentation Grenade MEA Flag MEA
Hk79 gl
HK79 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher MEA Flag MEA 40×46mm
RPG-26 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher MEA Flag MEA 72.5mm
RPG-29 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher MEA Flag MEA 105mm
Kornet projectile
9M133 Kornet Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher MEA Flag MEA 160mm
Nsv icon
NSV Heavy Machine Gun MEA Flag MEA 12.7×108mm
Kord Heavy Machine Gun MEA Flag MEA 12.7×108mm
Sz1 explosive
SZ-1 Demolition Charge MEA Flag MEA
Tm62 mine
TM62 Anti-Tank Mine MEA Flag MEA
G3 bayonet
G3 Bayonet Combat Knife MEA Flag MEA
MPT-76 Battle Rifle Flag of Turkey TLF 7.62×51mm NATO
Sar109t hna
SOR-109T Submachine Gun Flag of Turkey TLF 9×19mm Parabellum
MG3 General Purpose Machine Gun Flag of Turkey TLF 7.62×51mm NATO
Pmt76 a940
PMT-76 General Purpose Machine Gun Flag of Turkey TLF 7.62×51mm NATO
M2A1 Heavy Machine Gun Flag of Turkey TLF 12.7×99mm (.50 BMG)
Milan ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher Flag of Turkey TLF 152mm
Knt76 keskin3
KNT-76 Designated Marksman Rifle Flag of Turkey TLF 7.62×51mm NATO
SOR-9 Pistol Flag of Turkey TLF 9×19mm Parabellum
M67 Fragmentation Grenade Flag of Turkey TLF
M18 smoke
M18 Smoke/Signal Grenade Flag of Turkey TLF
T sl40 gl
AK-40GL Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Flag of Turkey TLF 40mm
Mgl he
MKE MGL Multiple Grenade Launcher Flag of Turkey TLF 40mm
Rpg7 icon
RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Turkey TLF 40mm
RPG-7V2 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Turkey TLF 40mm
HAR-66 LAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Flag of Turkey TLF 66mm
M112 c4explosive
M112 C4 Explosive Demolition Charge Flag of Turkey TLF
M15 mine
M15 Anti-Tank Mine Anti-Tank Mine Flag of Turkey TLF
G3 bayonet
G3 Bayonet Combat Knife Flag of Turkey TLF
AKM Assault Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
AKMS Assault Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
AK-74 Assault Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 5.45×39mm
AKS-74 Assault Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 5.45×39mm
AMD-65 Assault Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
PMD-63 Assault Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
SKS Battle Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
FAL Battle Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×51mm NATO
G3A3 Battle Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×51mm NATO
Mosin carbine
Mosin Nagant M38 Sniper Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×54mmR
Mosin Nagant M1891 Sniper Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×54mmR
PPSh-41 Submachine Gun Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×25mm Tokarev
Vz. 61 Škorpion Submachine Gun Insurgents Flag INS .32 ACP
RPD Light Machine Gun Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
RPK Light Machine Gun Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×39mm
SVD Designated Marksman Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×54mmR
PKM General Purpose Machine Gun Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×54mmR
Makarov Pistol Pistol Insurgents Flag INS 9×18mm Makarov
TT-33 Tokarev Pistol Insurgents Flag INS 7.62×25mm Tokarev
Sawnoff m870
870 Shotgun* Shotgun Insurgents Flag INS 12 Gauge
GP-25 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher Insurgents Flag INS 40mm Caseless
Rpg7 icon
RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Insurgents Flag INS 40mm
RPG-29 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Insurgents Flag INS 105mm
SPG-9 Recoilless Rifle Insurgents Flag INS 73mm
F1 Fragmentation Grenade Insurgents Flag INS
RKG-3 Anti-Tank Grenade Insurgents Flag INS
Rdg2 smoke
RDG-2 Smoke/Signal Grenade Insurgents Flag INS
DShK Heavy Machine Gun Insurgents Flag INS 12.7×108mm
Tnt 600g explosive
TNT 600g Explosive Demolition Charge Insurgents Flag INS
Improvised Explosive Device Demolition Charge Insurgents Flag INS
Tm62 mine
TM62 Anti-Tank Mine Insurgents Flag INS
Akm bayonet
AKM Bayonet Combat Knife Insurgents Flag INS
Sks bayonet
SKS Bayonet Combat Knife Insurgents Flag INS
FAL Battle Rifle IM Flag IMF 7.62×51mm NATO
AK-74 Assault Rifle IM Flag IMF 5.45×39mm
AKS-74 Assault Rifle IM Flag IMF 5.45×39mm
M16A2 Full-Length Rifle IM Flag IMF 5.56×45mm
AKS-74U Carbine IM Flag IMF 5.45×39mm
M4 Classic
M4 Carbine IM Flag IMF 5.56×45mm
SKS Battle Rifle IM Flag IMF 7.62×39mm
Vz. 61 Škorpion Submachine Gun IM Flag IMF .32 ACP
RPK-74 Light Machine Gun IM Flag IMF 5.45×39mm
Minimi Light Machine Gun IM Flag IMF 5.56×45mm
SVD Designated Marksman Rifle IM Flag IMF 7.62×54mmR
PKM General Purpose Machine Gun IM Flag IMF 7.62×54mmR
Makarov Pistol Pistol IM Flag IMF 9×18mm Makarov
TT-33 Tokarev Pistol IM Flag IMF 7.62×25mm Tokarev
Sawnoff m870
870 Shotgun* Shotgun IM Flag IMF 12 Gauge
GP-25 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher IM Flag IMF 40mm Caseless
ENERGA Grenade Launcher IM Flag IMF
Rpg7 icon
RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher IM Flag IMF 40mm
RPG-29 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher IM Flag IMF 105mm
SPG-9 Recoilless Rifle IM Flag IMF 73mm
RGD-5 Fragmentation Grenade IM Flag IMF
RKG-3 Anti-Tank Grenade IM Flag IMF
Rdg2 smoke
RDG-2 Smoke/Signal Grenade IM Flag IMF
DShK Heavy Machine Gun IM Flag IMF 12.7×108mm
Nsv icon
NSV Heavy Machine Gun IM Flag IMF 12.7×108mm
Kord Heavy Machine Gun IM Flag IMF 12.7×108mm
Tnt 1lb explosive
TNT 1lb Explosive Demolition Charge IM Flag IMF
Tm62 mine
TM62 Anti-Tank Mine IM Flag IMF
Akm bayonet
AKM Bayonet Combat Knife IM Flag IMF
Ak74 bayonet
AK74 Bayonet Combat Knife IM Flag IMF
M9 bayonet
M9 Bayonet Combat Knife IM Flag IMF
Sks bayonet
SKS Bayonet Combat Knife IM Flag IMF

See also[]
