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Spawn Bunker
Icon RadialHAB
Type Tech Structure
Users All factions
Icon Supplies construction square 500 (conventional) / 100 (unconventional)
Icon Supplies ammo square 0
Maximum allowed 1 (default) / 2 (Conventional Support units, All INS Units)

Spawn Bunkers, often referred to as HABs (HESCO Accommodation Bunkers) or Hideouts, are a type of Deployables and spawn points that an entire team can spawn on.


In any given match, players can expect to die and spawn many times. Therefore, Spawn Bunkers are an integral part of Squad's game-play. Players must take the time to construct Spawn Bunkers, and their location needs to be carefully selected and generally agreed upon by other squad leaders. Without effective placement, Spawn Bunkers can be easily fired upon and quickly turn into a deathtrap, overrun by enemy infantry, or destroyed. Without Spawn Bunkers, squads have to rely on Rally points to spawn, which can be easily disabled, or be forced to spawn at main base

The opening of a match is often the most crucial time for placing a Spawn Bunker. The location of the Spawn Bunkers determines where players will be able to spawn from and generally guides the flow of the round. Spawn Bunkers can be placed near capture zones for example, or further back as a fallback point. Squad leaders should use the staging time before a match begins to discuss where Spawn Bunkers should be placed, and use the Forward Operating Base icon in order to plan. This icon shows what the build radius will be if a Forward Operating Base is placed on the given location and the 300-meter radius that another Forward Operating Base can be built at.

Due to the introduction of persistent ammo, when a player spawns at a spawn bunker, they spawn with the ammo they died with (all players spawn with a minimum of magazines and bandages). If players wish to resupply, they will need to seek out an ammo crate, vehicle, or an ammo bag. Ammo crates are often constructed near a spawn bunker so that players can quickly resupply before engaging the enemy.

Construction of a Spawn Bunker[]

Spawn Bunkers can be placed by Squad Leaders within the build radius of a Forward Operating Base. Forward Operating Bases start with 0 construction points and therefore must be supplied with construction points from a logistics vehicle in order for a Spawn Bunker to be built. In Squad there are 2 types of Spawn Bunkers; HESCO Accommodation Bunkers (HABs) for the conventional forces, and Hideouts for the unconventional forces. HABs cost 500 build, while Hideouts cost only 100.

Most factions and faction unit types can only build 1 Spawn Bunker per Forward Operating Base. The exceptions being all Insurgent unit types (which can build 2 hideouts per FOB since alpha 13), and the Logistics unit type for all other factions (since version 7.2). As with every deployable asset, after a Spawn Bunker is placed it must be constructed with the Entrenching tool for the spawn to be active. Spawn Bunkers do not have to be fully dug up in order for players to spawn on, but it is recommended as this gives it full strength.

Spawn bunkers take 30 seconds to activate once built.

Spawn Timer[]

Individual players each have a 30-second respawn timer to spawn on a spawn bunker. This means that once a player has been incapacitated or dead for 30-seconds, they will be able to spawn on it. No confirmation button is necessary, so if the timer is 0 for that player, they will instantly spawn on that location.

Inactive and Destruction[]

Spawns are disabled (termed "proxied" for proximity of enemy, or "overrun", traditional Project Reality terminology) when enemy infantry is in close proximity to the Spawn Bunker.

The Spawn Point can be disabled ("proxied", "overrun") from as far as 90 meters with 9 infantry. For every enemy infantry in close proximity of the hab, the range at which the Spawn Point can be disabled in increased by 10 meters. For example, 5 enemy infantry 50 meters from the HAB will proxy/overrun the Spawn Point.

If the enemies leave the radius or are killed/incapacitated, the spawn point reactivates after 30 seconds (timer marked with a yellow circle).

Spawn bunkers can be damaged and destroyed by either digging them down with the Entrenching tool (shovel) or if fired upon with explosive weapons. Once a spawn bunker reaches half hitpoints (the ceiling and camouflage netting disappears) it is no longer an active spawn and must be repaired with an Entrenching tool to become active again. In this situation, it will take 30 seconds to reactivate similar to when the bunker was first built. The same happens if the radio hub is damaged at least one stage down (it will also disable the spawn) and got repaired.

FOB inaktiv Spawn is inactive. You need to build a HAB or the HAB is disabled.

FOB aktiv Spawn is active. Team members can spawn now.

framless Spawn is currently being blocked, either through enemy proximity or a damaged radio.


HABs may change camouflages based upon the area in which they are placed. For example, a HAB placed in the snow on Goose Bay will be snow camouflaged.

Spawn HAB (HESCO Accommodation Bunkers)
US Army Canadian Army British ArmED FORCES Russian Ground Forces
Spawn Hideout
Milita Insurgents

See Also[]
