The Repair Station is a deployable Tech Structure that can be built at a Forward Operating Base. Repair Stations can also be found at every main base with an unlimited amount of supply. When a vehicle parks near a Repair Station it will begin to repair its health at the cost of construction points and resupply its ammo at the expense of ammo points. Vehicles can be partially repaired with the Repair toolbox but will need to park near a Repair Station in order to be fully repaired and rearmed. Repair stations have a audible generator sound that plays on loop when close enough.
One Repair Station can be built at each Forward Operating Base. Repair stations are considered a Tech Structure and cost 500 construction points to built, except for the Insurgents which cost 300 construction points. See the Deployables page for more information. Repairing vehicles and resupplying their ammunition can quickly add up, and therefore Forward Operating Bases will need to be well supplied to keep up with the costs. See below for each vehicle's weapon respective Rearm costs. If the construction or ammo points at a Forward Operating Base are depleted, repairs and/or resupply will cease. The Forward Operating Base will need to be resupplied or the vehicle will need to drive back to the Main Base in order to repair and rearm. See the Logistic System for more information.