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Icon Raider kit

Raider kit icon

Equipped with an SMG and grenades, this role is perfect for close quarters combat and causing chaos.
~ In-game description

The Raider is one of the Direct Combat roles available exclusively for Insurgents in Squad.


The primary task of a raider is to apply pressure on the enemy when it comes to close quarters combat. The raider is armed with a fully automatic, fast-firing PPsH-41, HE grenades for flushing out areas of enemies, smoke grenades for cover, field dressings for wounds, and a shovel for construction of deployables. This role can prove extremely lethal when clearing out rooms or tight spaces in urban areas. Normally, the raider should be to first one to enter a room and should be expected to die in the process. It is highly discouraged using this role beyond urban environments.


  • Close quarter combat is the strong point of this kit, not open fields.
  • Your PPsH-41 comes with a high rate of fire, use this to your advantage.
  • Always be on the constant move but remain cautious as well.
  • Use your grenades to clear out rooms and small spaces.
  • The immense recoil created by your weapon will prove difficult to control at medium ranges, fire short bursts to counteract this problem.
  • Surprise attacks should be taken into considerations as well. By doing this, not only will you cause confusion among the enemy, but fear as well, especially in tight spaces.
  • Always keep your weapon raised during tight combat, quick reactions will save you in many situations.
  • Always keep clear communication with your squad, update them as you sweep an area.

Kit Variants[]

Faction Primary weapon Secondary Weapon Explosives Smoke grenades Medical supplies Addtl. equipment
Insurgents Flag Insurgents
  • RKG-3 Anti-Tank Grenade, 4 grenade
  • F1 Fragmentation, 2 grenades
  • RDG2 White Smoke, 2 grenades

See also[]
