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Rpg7 icon
Weapon class Anti-tank weapon
Users Insurgents
Irregular Militia
Middle Eastern Alliance
Russian Airborne Forces
Russian Ground Forces
Turkish Land Forces
Warhead 105mm Tandem HEAT
85mm HEAT
40mm Fragmentation
Guidance Unguided
Explosion radius 8m to 16m
Penetration capability 9mm to 900mm RHA
The RPG-7V2 is the Russian modernised version of the Soviet era RPG-7 launcher. The RPG-7V2 can fire a number of different types of ammunition, making it a very diverse weapon system. The modern upgrades to the platform include a standard issue PGO-7 2.8x optic with a special rocket drop compensator reticle.
~ In-game description

The RPG-7 is an anti-tank weapon featured in Squad.

General description[]

The RPG-7 was designed by the Bazalt company in 1961 and later adopted by the Soviet Army in the same year. The weapon's simplicity, low cost, ruggedness, and efficiency made it one of the most popular anti-tank weapons in the world, and it has been used since the Vietnam War to the present day.

Its aforementioned ease of use and cheapness allowed it to be produced in enormous quantities, and tens of thousands of them were purchased by dozens of countries across the globe. Today, two versions are created from the original design; the RPG-7V2, capable of firing standard and dual high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and fragmentation rounds, and the RPG-7D3; the modern paratrooper version of the RPG-7.


RPG-7 Tandem HEAT

Weapon Name RPG-7 Tandem
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Heavy Anti-Tank
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 80
Damage Model
Base Damage 1400
Max. Splash Damage 200
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 10 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 2 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 2
Penetration 900 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 63 m/s
Acceleration 87.5 m/s2 for 0.8 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 20
Arming Distance 20 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 4 m
Damage Per Second


Weapon Name RPG-7 HEAT
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Light HEAT
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 30
Damage Model
Base Damage 960
Max. Splash Damage 130
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 8 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 2 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 1
Penetration 400 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 117 m/s
Acceleration 187.5 m/s2 for 0.8 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 20
Arming Distance 15 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 3.5 m
Damage Per Second


Weapon Name RPG-7 HE
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Fragmentation
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 30
Damage Model
Base Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage 250
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 16 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 2 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 1
Penetration 9 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 117 m/s
Acceleration 187.5 m/s2 for 0.8 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 20
Arming Distance 15 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 10.5 m
Damage Per Second

RPG-7 Thermobaric*
*This is an upcoming content that has yet to announce its implementation

Weapon Name RPG-7 Thermobaric
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Explosive
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 80
Damage Model
Base Damage 1400
Max. Splash Damage 200
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 24 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 8 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off ?
Penetration 12 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 63 m/s
Acceleration 87.5 m/s2 for 0.8 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 20
Arming Distance 20 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 16 m
Damage Per Second

RPG-7V2 Tandem HEAT

Weapon Name RPG-7V2 Tandem
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Heavy Anti-Tank
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 80
Damage Model
Base Damage 1400
Max. Splash Damage 200
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 10 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 2 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 2
Penetration 900 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 63 m/s
Acceleration 87.5 m/s2 for 0.8 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 15
Arming Distance 20 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 4 m
Damage Per Second


Weapon Name RPG-7V2 HEAT
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Light HEAT
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 30
Damage Model
Base Damage 960
Max. Splash Damage 130
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 8 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 2 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 1
Penetration 400 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 117 m/s
Acceleration 120 m/s2 for 1.5 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 15
Arming Distance 15 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 3.5 m
Damage Per Second


Weapon Name RPG-7 HE
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type Fragmentation
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 30
Damage Model
Base Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage 250
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 16 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 2 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 1
Penetration 9 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1.5 m
Rate of Fire 7.5
Muzzle Velocity 117 m/s
Acceleration 187.5 m/s2 for 0.8 s
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 15
Arming Distance 15 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 10.5 m
Damage Per Second


The RPG-7 is available to multiple factions and features different sights depending on faction:

Faction Variant Sight Warhead Explosion Radius Penetration Capability Role Rounds Added in Arming Distance
IM Flag Irregular Militia
Insurgents Flag Insurgents
Flag of Turkey Turkish Land Forces
VDV Flag Russian Airborne Forces
RPG-7 Iron sights, ranging 50-150m 105mm Tandem HEAT 8m 900mm RHA Icon Heavy Anti Tank kit 1 20m
Iron sights, ranging 100-500m 85mm High Explosive Anti-Tank 8m 320mm RHA Icon Light Anti Tank kit Icon Heavy Anti Tank kit 1-2 15m
40mm Fragmentation 16m 9mm RHA Icon Light Anti Tank kit Icon Heavy Anti Tank kit 2-3 15m
MEA Flag Middle Eastern Alliance
RGF Flag Russian Ground Forces

Flag of Turkey Turkish Land Forces
VDV Flag Russian Airborne Forces

RPG-7V2 Telescopic sight, fixed 2.8x, 500m BDC (200m for tandem) 85mm High Explosive Anti-Tank 8m 320mm RHA Icon Light Anti Tank kit Icon Heavy Anti Tank kit 1 15m
40mm Fragmentation 16m 9mm RHA Icon Light Anti Tank kit Icon Heavy Anti Tank kit 2 15m
RGF Flag Russian Ground Forces
VDV Flag Russian Airborne Forces
105mm Tandem HEAT 8m 900mm RHA Icon Heavy Anti Tank kit 1-2 20m


105mm Tandem Heavy Anti-Tank 85mm High Explosive Anti-Tank 40mm Fragmentation
PG-7VR Tandem High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) Round
HEAT Round
Fragmentation round
The Tandem HEAT rocket is a pair of warheads that are designed to penetrate the heaviest of armor including explosive reactive armor. The first warhead detonates prematurely exposing a gap for the second warhead to penetrate through the main armor. The downside to this system is the sheer weight of the warhead, minimising its effective range.
~ In-game description
  • Powerful HEAT rocket. Capable of destroying or disabling most of the lightly armoured vehicles in one shot.
  • Recommended targets are heavily armored vehicles, including Armored Personnel Carriers, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, and Main Battle Tanks.
The HEAT rocket is a single stage shaped charge warhead that is capable of defeating a wide variety of light and medium armor.
~ In-game description
  • Effective against all types of armored vehicles.
  • Recommended to be used against unarmored/light armored vehicles including Technicals, MRAPs, BRDM-2, Trucks, and Armored Personnel Carriers.
The 40mm fragmentation rocket is a simple fragmentation warhead that specifically is designed to inflict shrapnel wounds to infantry.
~ In-game description
  • Should only be used to engage infantry as Fragmentation rounds deal very limited to no damage against vehicles.
  • Recommended for engaging targets behind cover or multiple targets that are bunched up together for maximum impact. Large splash radius.


  • The RPG-7 is a reusable anti-tank launcher.
  • The RPG-7 generates a back blast that can injure or kill anybody standing nearby behind the weapon when it's being fired.
  • * The arming distance for all Light Anti-Tank rocket launchers is 15 meters, while for all Heavy Anti-Tank, is 20 meters. This was standardized in Version 7.0.[1]
    • Prior to Version 6.0.1, the minimum arming range for the RPG-7 depends on the warhead. Generally, they were around 25 meters.
    • If you are too close to your target, the rocket will not detonate or deal any damage.
  • Variety of ammunition is available to RPG-7 across different factions, including Tandem HEAT, regular HEAT, and High Explosive Fragmentation.
    • Make sure the proper round is armed in advance. Fragmentation rounds do not damage armor but may puncture tires. High Explosive Anti-Tank rounds are effective against all armor types. Tandem rounds should be reserved for the heaviest armor, such as Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Main Battle Tanks, when possible.
  • The key difference between RPG-7 and RPG-7V2 is the optics, rocket motor, and accuracy. RPG-7V2 has a PGO-7 2.8x optic, its HEAT warhead has higher acceleration, and all cartridges are slightly more accurate than the ones on the original RPG-7.
  • The RPG-7 is relatively short-ranged and uses simplistic iron sights.
    • RPG-7's range is substantially less than other rocket launchers; the RPG-7 Tandem can only be ranged at 150 meters.
    • PRG-7VA is fitted with PGO-7 2.8x optic. This scope extends the range to 500 meters.
  • It is strongly recommended to practice with the RPG-7 on the Shooting Range. The rebel factions' RPG-7 can be ranged (by pressing X + mouse wheel) up or down by 100-meter increments to hit targets at greater distances accurately.
    • The RPG-7V2 with PGO-7 2.8x optic takes some time to become familiar with, but enough practice can be used with deadly accuracy.
  • The PRG-7 Tandem HEAT round shares its damage model with most Heavy Anti-Tank launchers in the game, with 1400 base damage, 200 splash damage, and 900mm penetration.
  • The RPG-7 HE has the highest splash damage out of all rocket launchers, at 250.
    • Combining with a larger blast radius of 16 meters, giving it the largest lethal radius against infantry at 10.5 meters.
  • When you reload your ammunition from an ammo crate, your launcher is not automatically ready to fire the next time you switch to it. You must switch to the launcher, finish the animation of discarding the old cartridge, and then arm the new one.
  • Armour calculation involves many factors that are not limited to simple base damage and penetration. The slope of the armor, its thickness, the angle of hit, all of that matter when the game engine decides if damage has been dealt to the target. Examine the vehicle armor models on Jensen's Range to learn where your shots will do damage.

RPG-7V2 Reticle[]


The PGO-7 reticle (click to magnify).

The RPG-7V2 package adds the PGO-7 2.8x optic to the launcher for both Russian Light Anti-Tank and Heavy Anti-Tank kits. This allows Russian anti-tank kits to better acquire targets and account for distance with the built-in projectile drop compensator reticle. This reticle accounts for all ammunition types.

The upper half (orange numbers on the left side) of the compensator reticle is for acquiring targets with the Fragmentation rocket and the HEAT rocket up to a range of 500 meters, whereas the lower half (white numbers on the right side in the image; center in the actual reticle) is for acquiring targets with the Tandem HEAT rocket up to a distance of 200 meters.

The lower right of the reticle includes a stadiametric rangefinder calibrated to 2.7 meters (the height of a typical armored vehicle, including the turret). The vertical gridlines on the upper half help calculate lead for moving targets; the unit is in 10 milliradians.



  • RPG stands for Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт - Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot in Russian, meaning Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. An unofficial abbreviation of the RPG is "rocket-propelled grenade".
  • All available warheads are based on their real-life counterparts:
    • "105mm Tandem HEAT" is PG-7VR
    • "85mm HEAT" is PG-7V
    • "40mm Fragmentation" is OG-7V.
    • Earlier versions of the game used real-life designations for weapon names.
  • In real life, the OG-7V has a slower maximum velocity (however, a much faster muzzle velocity due to the light weight) due to the lack of a rocket booster. In-game, it shares the trajectory with "PG-7V" HEAT.

See also[]


External links[]
