Required to operate helicopters. This role comes with a stripped down kit for self-defense.
~ In-game description
The Pilot is a Specialist Kit available in Squad. Selecting the Pilot kit is necessary to fly the helicopters in the game.
With the introduction of Helicopters in Alpha 16 came the Pilot class. Equipping the Pilot kit grants access to helicopters in Squad.
- Carbine
- Pistol, Knife
- No Explosives.
- 2 Colored Smokes
- 2 Field Dressings
- Entrenching Tool, Field Binoculars, Vehicle Repair Tools
- Players can change to a pilot kit from a helicopter.
- This means that if a helicopter has the necessary ammo points, a player can switch to a pilot kit in order to fly a helicopter.
Kit Variants[]
See also[]