Squad Wiki
Deployables Icon
Militia fob

An Irregular Militia forward operating base (F.O.B.) with various deployed emplacements.

Deployables are structures that Squad Leaders and FireTeam Leads can deploy within the 150-meter build radius of a Forward Operating Base. Once deployed, these structures require other players to construct using the Entrenching tool. Deployables allow players to change the tactical situation anywhere on the map. Forward Operating Bases are designed to support your team in achieving the gameplay objectives by providing Spawn points, resupply in the form of ammo crates and repair stations, cover in the form of fortifications, as well mortars, heavy machine guns, and anti-tank guided missiles, in the form of emplacements.


FOB structure

Building Deployables[]

Before structures can be set/built, the Squad Leader must set a Radio Hub. Once a Radio Hub has been placed and supplied with construction points from a Logistics vehicle or helicopter, deployable assets can be built within 150 meters of where the Radio was placed. The Squad Leader or Fireteam Lead chooses deployables from the Deployables Menu by holding down the default T. Once a deployable is chosen, it can be rotated with the Q and E (default).

Refund mechanic[]

Since Version 2.0, if a deployable was dug down before fully built, it refunds 80% construction points it costs. This mechanic is intended to reduce the penalty for accidental bad placement of the deployables.

FOB widget[]

Fowidget w reinforcing

After a Radio Hub is placed, the FOB widget appears. Ammunition and supplies begin at 0. Logistics Vehicles or helicopters will be needed to provide additional resources for the Forward Operating Base. The progress bar displays the health status of the Radio Hub. The ammo counter, number to the left, shows the available ammo supply at this FOB.

The construction supply, the number to the right, shows the supply balance you have available for building objects.

The icon below the ammunition and supply counters displays the status of the Forward Operating Base as a spawn location (designated Inactive or Active).

Radial Menu[]

SL build1
This is the first Radial Menu when you hold down the key T. Only Squad Leader has this menu. Be aware if the SL is not holding the Squad Leader kit, he will not see the option for the Icon RadialDeployablesIconDeployables. Change your kit at an ammo box or respawn with the kit equipped.
SL build6
When selecting the Icon RadialDeployablesIconDeployables, you get to the second Deployables Menu where you choose the desired object and see the supply costs required for its construction.
SL build7
The Icon RadialDeployablesIconDeployables Menu has three menus: Icon RadialTechstructuresIconTech Structures, Icon RadialFortificationsIconFortifications, and Icon RadialEmplacementsIconEmplacements.
SL build8
With the Icon RadialTechstructuresIconTech Structures menu, you can place a Spawn HAB , Ammo Crate and a Repair Station
SL build9
With the Icon RadialFortificationsIconFortifications menu, you can place Bunkers, HESCOs, Sandbags, Ladders, Razorwires
SL build10
And with the Icon RadialEmplacementsIconEmplacements menu, you can place stationary weapons like TOW, MG Bunker, Mortar


With the Radio Hub deployed and with enough supplies accumulated, the Squad Leader can build deployable assets within a 150m-radius of the Radio Hub. Open up the deployables menu and choose the object with the mouse and click the Left-Mouse-Button to select it. You will now see a red or green shape of the object. Red means you cannot place it at the moment, green means you can place it. Move around with this shape to choose a suitable location. Click the Left-Mouse-Button to set down the object when it is shown in green, click the Right-Mouse-Button to cancel the build.

Placing Tips:
  • If you click the Left-Mouse-Button while you see a red shape, a status message appears and gives you the reason why you cannot place the object at the moment at this location – this status message is very useful and you should make use of it frequently to find out why you cannot build an object.
  • If you want to deselect your current selection then you can do so by clicking Right-Mouse-Button once.

When the Squad Leader is able to place the green shape, construction stakes appear at its location and team members need to start the construction by using their shovels. Stand near the stakes and aim at them, then hold the Left-Mouse-Button to start building the objects. Note that you can only shovel if you are next to a constructible object. Once you start shoveling, a progress bar will appear showing the progress of the object. The object will also change stages as progress is made. Shoveling will also automatically stop after the object is finished. Except for the Radio Hub, all objects need to be shoveled to be fully constructed. The more people that shovel, the quicker the construction is finished.

A few objects can be stacked on top of themselves. This way, for example, you can build a tall wall of Sandbags. You can also build objects on top of houses and other locations. The construction of deployables goes through three stages. You physically see the progress of these three stages in the game – there exists no progress bar.


Building of emplacements happens in 3 stages:

Stage 1: Construction stakes/foundation put down by the Squad Leader, the object does not yet exist Stage 2: First stage of construction completed, the object is half finished Stage 3: At the final stage of construction the object is completed

Using an emplacement such as an ammunition box requires it to be in its final stage of completion; otherwise, it won't be usable.

Destroying Deployables[]

You can take down your own or enemy deployables with your shovel and hold down the RMB Right-Mouse-Button. It will deconstruct the object until it disappears. You can also use explosives, rockets, grenades, and high-caliber vehicle weapons with varying effectiveness against deployables.

Destroying deployables happens in the same three stages as construction in reverse order. That means that reaching the second stage while destroying an object renders it unusable until it's reconstructed to the final stage again. That is especially useful when deconstructing enemy spawns, as you don't need to worry about enemies spawning on you while you're destroying their spawn. To destroy a deployable completely you have to keep digging until the lowest stage (foundations) is gone, too.

Destroying the Radio Hub of Forward Operating Base will instantly destroy all tech structures (HABs, ammo crates, vehicle repair stations) within its radius, and emplacements (TOW launchers, MG bunkers) placed within a radio hub's build vicinity will be destroyed as well. Fortifications such as sandbags and HESCO blocks will remain.

Radio Damage States
As an example of what the destruction stages of a radio look like.

Tip: If you no longer need your FOB, scoop it up yourself. This way you won't lose any tickets if the enemy finds the radio.

Deployable Types[]

Icon Type Description
Icon RadialTechstructuresIcon Tech Structures These are the structures essential to the proper use of the FOB. These Deployables will disappear if the Radio is destroyed.
Icon RadialFortificationsIcon Fortifications These are structures that are used to provide shelter and cover from enemy fire, as well as access to higher areas like roofs or seal areas. These Deployables will remain even if the Radio is destroyed.
Icon RadialEmplacementsIcon Emplacements These are the stationary weapons that can provide fire support for the team. These Deployables can be used by both friendly and enemy infantry, and they will disappear if the Radio is destroyed.

List of Deployable Objects and Costs[]

  • Before you can create any Deployables, you need to place a Icon RadialRadioHubIconRadio Hub and add sufficient supplies, such as Icon Supplies construction squareconstruction points to build, and Icon Supplies ammo squareammunition points to provide ammunition for Emplacements and Ammo Crate.
  • Emplacements will start empty and unloaded upon finishing construction. This means that, upon entering, the player will start the reload cycle provided there is enough Icon Supplies ammo squareammunition point from the FOB to draw upon.
  • The FOB Limit denotes the placement restriction. The table below illustrates the count for the Combined Arms Unit Type faction setup (default). The Limit may vary depending on the Unit.
Icon Name Type Faction Icon Supplies construction square Icon Supplies ammo square FOB Limit
Icon RadialHAB Spawn Bunker Tech Structure Flag of Australia ADF
GB flag BAF
Flag of Canada CAF
USArmy Flag USA
Flag of PLA PLA
Flag of Turkey TLF
500 N/A 1
Icon RadialRepairDepotIcon Repair Station Tech Structure 500 N/A 1
Icon RadialAmmoCrateIcon Ammo Crate Tech Structure All Factions 100 N/A None
Icon RadialHAB Spawn Bunker Tech Structure IM Flag IMF 100 N/A 1
Icon RadialHAB Spawn Bunker Tech Structure Insurgents Flag INS 100 N/A 2
Icon RadialRepairDepotIcon Repair Station Tech Structure Insurgents Flag INS
300 N/A 1
Icon RadialCamonetWallIcon Camouflage Wall Tech Structure IM Flag IMF 50 N/A None
Icon RadialCamonetLeantoIcon Camouflage Lean-To Tech Structure 50 N/A None
Icon RadialCamonetCanopyIcon Camouflage Canopy Tech Structure 100 N/A None
Icon RadialHedgehogIcon Hedgehog Tank Trap Tech Structure 20 N/A None
Icon Name Type Faction Icon Supplies construction square Icon Supplies ammo square FOB Limit
Icon RadialBunkerIcon HESCO Bunker Fortification Flag of Australia ADF
GB flag BAF
Flag of Canada CAF
USArmy Flag USA
Flag of PLA PLA
Flag of Turkey TLF
150 N/A 4
Icon RadialHescoWallIcon HESCO Wall Fortification 150 N/A None
Icon RadialHescoSingleIcon HESCO Block Fortification 50 N/A None
Icon RadiaIndirectFireLookoutIcon A Observation Tower Fortification 600 N/A 2
Icon RadiaIndirectFireShelterIcon Indirect Fire-shelter Fortification 300 N/A 3
Icon RadialHescoWallIcon Dirt-filled Oil Barrels Fortification Insurgents Flag INS 60 N/A None
Icon RadialRoadblockIcon Tire Fire Fortification 100 N/A 2
Icon RadiaIndirectFireShelterIcon Indirect Fire-shelter Fortification IM Flag IMF 300 N/A 3
Icon RadialLogWallIcon Wooden Trench Wall Fortification 50 N/A None
Icon RadiaIndirectFireLookoutIcon Observation Tower Fortification 300 N/A 4
Icon RadialHullDownPositionIcon Hull-down Position Fortification 200 N/A 2
Icon RadialDirtCratesHighWallIcon Dirt-Filled Ammo Boxes - High Wall Fortification 50 N/A None
Icon RadialDirtCratesLowWallIcon Dirt-Filled Ammo Boxes - Low Wall Fortification 50 N/A None
Icon RadialDirtCratesFiringPortsIcon Dirt-Filled Ammo Boxes - Firing Ports Wall Fortification 50 N/A None
Icon RadialSandbagsStraightIcon Sandbags Line Fortification Flag of Australia ADF
GB flag BAF
Flag of Canada CAF
USArmy Flag USA
Flag of PLA PLA
Flag of Turkey TLF
25 N/A None
Icon RadialSandbagsStraightFiringHoleIcon Sandbags Pillbox Fortification 25 N/A None
Icon RadialSandbagsCornerIcon Sandbags Crescent Fortification 25 N/A None
Icon RadialRazorwireIcon Razor Wire Fortification 15 N/A None
Icon RadialSandbagsStraightIcon Sandbags Line Fortification Insurgents Flag INS
10 N/A None
Icon RadialSandbagsStraightFiringHoleIcon Sandbags Pillbox Fortification 10 N/A None
Icon RadialSandbagsCornerIcon Sandbags Crescent Fortification 10 N/A None
Icon RadialRazorwireIcon Razor Wire Fortification 10 N/A None
Icon RadialLadderIcon Ladder Fortification All Factions 25 N/A 5
Icon Name Type Faction Icon Supplies construction square Icon Supplies ammo square FOB Limit
Icon RadialGrenadeMachineGun MK19 AGL Tripod Emplacement Flag of Australia ADF
GB flag BAF
Flag of Canada CAF
USArmy Flag USA
Flag of Turkey TLF
200 50 2
Icon RadialMgSandbags M2A1 HMG Tripod Emplacement 200 50 2
Icon RadialMgBunker M2A1 HMG Bunker Emplacement 350 50 2
Icon RadialAntiTankGuidedMissileIcon BGM-71 TOW ATGM Emplacement Flag of Australia ADF
GB flag BAF
Flag of Canada CAF
USArmy Flag USA
600 500 1
Icon RadialAntiTankGuidedMissileIcon F2 Milan Emplacement Flag of Turkey TLF 600 500 1
Icon RadialMortarsIcon L16A2 Mortar Emplacement GB flag BAF 300 25 2
Icon RadialMortarsIcon M252 Mortar Emplacement Flag of Australia ADF
Flag of Canada CAF
USArmy Flag USA
Flag of Turkey TLF
300 25 2
Icon RadialAntiTankGuidedMissileIcon HJ-8L ATGM Emplacement Flag of PLA PLA
600 500 1
Icon RadialMgSandbags QJZ89 HMG Tripod Emplacement 200 50 2
Icon RadialMgBunker QJZ89 HMG Bunker Emplacement 350 50 2
Icon RadialMortarsIcon PP87 Mortar Emplacement 300 25 2
Icon RadialAntiTankGuidedMissileIcon 9M133 Kornet ATGM Emplacement VDV Flag VDV
600 500 1
Icon RadialMgSandbags NSV HMG Tripod Emplacement 200 50 2
Icon RadialMgBunker NSV HMG Bunker Emplacement 350 50 2
Icon RadialMortarsIcon 2B14 Podnos Mortar Emplacement 300 25 2
Icon RadialAntiTankGuidedMissileIcon SPG-9 Tripod Emplacement Insurgents Flag INS
600 500 3
Icon RadialHeavyMachineGunIcon DShK HMG Tripod Emplacement 200 50 2
Icon RadialHeavyMachineGunShieldIcon DShK HMG (Shielded) Emplacement 350 50 2
Icon RadialAntiAirGunIcon ZU-23-2 AAA Emplacement 300 25 2
Icon RadialMortarsIcon M1937 Mortar Emplacement 300 25 2
Icon RadialHellCannonIcon Hell Cannon Emplacement Insurgents Flag INS 250 150 1
Icon RadialAntiTankGunIcon ZiS-3 Field Gun Emplacement IM Flag IMF 250 50 2
Icon RadialUB32RocketsIcon UB-32 Rocket Pod Emplacement 450 300 1

See Also[]
