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Ammo Bag
Weapon class Equipment
Users All Factions
Capacity 1

Ammo Bags are Equipment available to Rifleman kit in Squad.


Ammo bags can be placed by riflemen. They contain up to 100 ammo points each, and each player can only have 1 ammo bag in the world at any time. Rifleman can have only 1 ammo bag in their inventory and pick up the ammo bag again at any time, including ammo bags placed by other riflemen of their own team.

Sandbags are the only item that cannot be rearmed from ammo bags.


Faction In-Game View
US Army AmmoBag US
United States Marine Corps Ammobag USMC ingame
British Armed Forces AmmoBag GB
Canadian Army Ammobag CAN ingame
Australian Defence Force Ammobag ADF ingame
Russian Ground Forces AmmoBag RUS
Russian Airborne Forces Ammobag VDV ingame
People’s Liberation Army Ammobag PLA ingame
PLA Navy Marine Corps Ammobag PLANMC ingame
Middle Eastern Alliance AMMOBAG MEA
Irregular Militia Forces AmmoBag MIL
Insurgents AmmoBag INS
Turkish Land Forces Ammobag TLF ingame


See also[]
