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Squad Wiki
Ak40gl he
Users Turkish Land Forces
Capacity One
Cartridge 40mm
Fire Mode Single Shot
The AK-40GL is a single-shot, breech-loaded grenade launcher mounted onto the MPT-76. Using a side mounted sight, shots can be ranged from 50m to 400m. The 40mm High Explosive Fragmentation grenades can be used as a means of wounding infantry.
~ In-game description

The AK-40GL is a grenade launcher featured in Squad.

General Information

The AK-40GL is an under-barrel grenade launcher for the MPT-76. The AK-40GL fires a 40 mm explosive round which is highly effective against infantry targets and is single-shot. The AK-40GL is intended to be used for close fire support against area targets. The rounds used for the AK-40GL are very effective in hitting enemys behind cover.


Weapon Name AK-40GL
Weapon Class Grenade Launcher
Damage Type Fragmentation
Magazine Size 1
Ammo Cost 7 for fragmentation, 10 for smoke
Damage Model
Base Damage 60
Max. Splash Damage 115
Min. Splash Damage 0
Max. Splash Damage Ø 15 m
Min. Splash Damage Ø 1 m
Splash Damage Fall-Off 1.0
Penetration 10 mm
Penetration Loss N/A
Post-Pen Reach 1 m
Rate of Fire 15
Muzzle Velocity 76 m/s
Acceleration N/A
Gravity Modifier 1
MOA 30
Arming Distance 10 m
Max. Range N/A
Reload Tactical
Reload Empty
Lethal Damage Ø 3.2 m
Damage Per Second


Weapon Icon Variant Faction Role Sight Ammo Note
MPT-76 AK40 GL
Ak40gl he
AK-40GL High Explosive Flag of Turkey TLF Icon Grenadier kit Iron sights, ranging 50-400m 10 rounds Added in 7.0
Ak40gl whitesmoke
AK-40GL Smoke White Iron sights, ranging 50-400m 2 rounds
Ak40gl bluesmoke
AK-40GL Smoke Blue Iron sights, ranging 50-400m 2 rounds
Ak40gl redsmoke
AK-40GL Smoke Red Iron sights, ranging 50-400m 2 rounds


  • All under-barrel grenade launchers in-game have the same damage models and ballistic performance.
  • Minimum arming range for the AK-40GL is 10 meters.
    • If a player does attempt to fire the AK-40GL within close proximity, the round will not explode.
  • Grenade launchers have a smaller base damage radius than hand grenades, meaning anyone near the point of impact will die, and those further away will be damaged, possibly causing them to bleed.


See also
